Interviews about Biology

Interviews about genetics, ecology and evolution, insects, mammals, marine science, plants and zoology...

20 May 2007

The eruption of the Laki fission in Iceland in 1783 led to sulphurous smog falling over Europe. It has been described...

13 May 2007

Scott Manalis tells us about the technique he has developed for weighing tiny objects underwater, such as single cells...

13 May 2007

This week, Bob and Chelsea look at how we react to bacteria. Bob looks into how bacteria could protect us from Asthma...

13 May 2007

Dr Tim Wreghitt explains how noroviruses spread themselves through projectile vomit and use cruise ships as the perfect...

13 May 2007

Dr Ali Ashby on all that is fantastic about fungi. From the worlds largest organism to the flavour of chocolate, we...

06 May 2007

Andrew Boulton explains how Maggots help to cure infection with MRSA, or Methicillin Resistant Staphylococcus aureus,...

06 May 2007

Richard Van Noorden gives us the lowdown on some of the latest news in Chemistry

29 April 2007

Bruce Winney talks about the genes which make up the British people

29 April 2007

Turi King talks about how she found African ancestry in Yorkshiremen, and about how your Y-chromosome type can predict...

29 April 2007

Mike Majerus tells us about the peppered moth, cites as an example of evolution by natural selection in action.

22 April 2007

Annelise Hagan, of the Living Oceans Foundation talks about her work on Coral reefs and using sea planes to spy on the...

22 April 2007

Laura Font describes how she has found a way to find out where migratory birds have been by measuring strontium isotope...

22 April 2007

Stan Harpole talking about how using fertilisers can reduce biodiversity by destroying the niches that allow complex...

15 April 2007

Bob and Chelsea look at two ways you can lower your risk of cancer.

15 April 2007

Sabina Michnowicz speaks to Jason Wray, John Stingl and Brian Huntley on the role that stem cells have to play in cancer

15 April 2007

Dr Andrew Futreal tell us about identifying faulty genes in tumours, and how these could be used for targeted therapy.

15 April 2007

Fiona Watt explains how stem cells are a major player in cancer growth, and may be the key to finding new cures.

01 April 2007

Chelsea and Bob look into Puberty and Death - expolring why teenagers are moody and using computers to predict how you...

25 March 2007

Rising carbon dioxide levels usually make us think about the atmosphere, but new research shows that carbon dioxide...

25 March 2007

Bob and Chelsea hear about the music of the ocean, including scientists that listen to whale communication, and how the...

25 March 2007

Bird and insect flight is still not fully understood. So scientists are now using video backpacks for eagles and...

18 March 2007

A trio of co-dependent creatures that like it really hot and how the warming world is causing corals and their algae...

18 March 2007

Insect viruses are indestructible thanks to their crystal structure - why is this important? Find out here.

04 March 2007

Keith Dobney studies how animals were domesticated thousands of years ago