The final scores

Did Megan make first, will Chris be christened champion, or did Bhavesh beat them all?
28 July 2020

Interview with 

Chris Berrow; Bhavesh Bulsara; Megan McGregor


A first place trophy.


Did Megan make first, will Chris be christened champion, or did Bhavesh beat them all? Phil Sansom and Adam Murphy revealed the results...

Phil - Now that we've gone through all our questions, I think it's time for the moment of truth. I'm going to bring back in Chris, Bhavesh, and Megan. You're all three of you here. Can we get a drum roll please for Adam to read out the final scores? Adam, hit us.

Adam - Okay. So in third place we have Bhavesh with 28 points; then Chris with 37; but Megan with 41 points is our winner.

Phil - Very well done!

Megan - Clearly I specialised in the wrong thing. I should be doing PhDs in 'the living world'.

Phil - Very well done all of you. Those were some incredible answers. And if you were playing along at home, do let us know how you did! Tweet @nakedscientists to get in touch.


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