Interviews about Technology

Interviews about robotics, artificial intelligence, computing, communications, sensors and gadgets...

22 May 2021

One listener reviews Surviving Mars for us.

22 May 2021

Time to take some snaps of pokemon, in this retro revival!

22 May 2021

Is it time to play Total War: ROME REMASTERED?

22 May 2021

Is it worth replaying the Mass Effect series?

22 May 2021

Is Astro's Playroom a proper game, or just a technical demo?

22 May 2021

What are the benefits of gamification? We find out, with the creators of Virus Slayer!

22 May 2021

Is the latest Resident Evil game the best one yet?

22 May 2021

We look at the court case between Apple and Epic Games.

22 May 2021

Was the unbelievable effort involved in buying the PS5 worth it?

22 May 2021

Leigh Milner has the gaming news for you this month.

18 May 2021

A new system pioneered in America helped a paralysed person to "write" again for the first time in a decade...

04 May 2021

From mysterious error rates to misinterpreted evidence - here's why forensics might need an audit...

23 April 2021

Dr Chris Smith reviews the book Acorn: A World In Pixels

23 April 2021

We celebrate WrestleMania 2021 by reviving an older version of the game!

23 April 2021

Do we need an endless runner version of Crash Bandicoot?

23 April 2021

Which side are you on? Plants or Zombies?

23 April 2021

Is the latest game from the creators of Final Fantasy any good?

23 April 2021

Is the latest in the Abe's Odyssey series worth playing?

23 April 2021

Why are broadcasters turning to FIFA for their fake crowd sounds?

23 April 2021

Who won big at the BAFTA Games Awards?

23 April 2021

Catch up on the latest gaming news.

06 April 2021

As Bitcoin gets more valuable, mining becomes more profitable - which takes huge amounts of electricity...

06 April 2021

How do you make sure everyone involved in a decentralised currency agrees with each other?

06 April 2021

Companies like Chainalysis can trace people's money through the supposedly-anonymous Bitcoin ledger...