Answers to Biology Questions

Biology, genetics, ecology and evolution, insects, mammals, marine science, plants and zoology...

28 January 2007

What causes my manure heap to heat up and steam?

21 January 2007

How is it that when an insect such as a ladybird dies, it folds it's 6 legs up under itself. Why does it do that...

17 December 2006

Where do seedless grapes come from?

03 December 2006

Why don't spiders run out of silk?

03 December 2006

How does a fly land on the ceiling? Aren't its wings beating in the wrong direction?

19 November 2006

I saw a documentary about frogs, which during the winter literally freeze solid. Come spring, they seem to de-freeze...

12 November 2006

What is a mosquito eating when it isn't eating me?

05 November 2006

Do plants and trees communicate?

05 November 2006

How do insects manage to fly in the rain?

05 November 2006

Why do genetic diseases sometimes only develop in later life?

29 October 2006

I cracked open a large chicken egg this morning and out came the white, an egg yolk, and another fully-formed shelled...

29 October 2006

When fruit is rotting in a bowl, you get horrible black flies coming out of them. How do they get there?