Can an electric blanket kill bed bugs?

11 November 2012


A bed bug nymph (Cimex lectularius) as it was in the process of ingesting a blood meal from the arm of a “voluntary” human host



Does a heated or possibly an electric blanket kill off bed bugs or does it make them more active?


Toby - It depends if you've got a super-hot electric blanket, but no.

Chris - A serious electric blanket, wouldn't it?

Toby - Yes, exactly!

No, they're quite happy at the temperatures an electric blanket would have. In fact, one of the hypotheses is that central heating - keeping the house a certain temperature - has actually helped them. They don't die off in the winter, which they might have done back before we could maintain a constant temperature.

I don't think an electric blanket would have the best thing for you!


I recently bought a new box spring & mattress thinking that I would not have any bed bugs....but wrong! I used my heating blanket again this winter & started having bed bugs once again. Now, I have stopped using it as well as sprayed Lavender in my bed & no longer have them.

We have our mattress and box spring in bed bug proof covers. I just found old evidence of "friends" that used the heating blanket/ so no.. heating blankets are not your friends when it comes to ridding these damn things. Especially in apartments when fogging is not an option.

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