Answers to Medicine Questions

Medicine, physiology, pathology, bacteria and viruses, pharmacology, food, hormones, neuroscience and psychology...

12 June 2018

What exactly is déjà vu? Have we asked this before?

22 May 2018

For this Question of the Week, Mike wanted to know why his nose runs when he cycles in cold weather, but not in warm...

15 May 2018

If all cells have the same DNA, why are some nail cells and others eye cells?

15 May 2018

Is cancer something we could have evolved our way out of?

15 May 2018

How do they survive without a nucleus?

27 March 2018

Geneticist and Neuroscientist Giles Yeo was able to cook up an answer...

27 March 2018

But I can CERTAINLY hear my partner snoring!

27 March 2018

What's the difference between allergy and intolerance?

27 March 2018

Caller Richard had a question for our own Chris Smith

27 March 2018

How do they know if their queen dies?

27 March 2018

It's not *that* bad, Cambridge University's Bobby Seagull explained why.

27 March 2018

Genetists, Giles Yeo, crunched the numbers...

20 February 2018

Are CEOs more likely to be psychopaths than other people?

20 February 2018

Why is guilt such a variable emotion?

20 February 2018

What's the science behind this condition?

20 February 2018

Can our brains be stimulated to make us commit crimes?

20 February 2018

How common is conflict with love rivals in the animal kingdom?

06 February 2018

We strip off and go running in the snow to answer this query from Trent.

16 January 2018

Why does weightlifting lead to larger muscles?

16 January 2018

What is high-intensity training, and how does it work?

16 January 2018

Is there any health benefit to going gluten free if you're not gluten intolerant?

16 January 2018

Is there a difference between running outside and running on a treadmill?