Answers to Technology Questions

Technology, robotics, artificial intelligence, computing, communications, sensors and gadgets...

07 July 2015

Gold? Oxygen? Heroin? The Naked Scientists find out what the most expensive element is...

28 April 2015

How are robotic voices created? And what's their future? Will they ever sound human?

17 February 2015

Using our thumbs to control our smartphones is changing the activity in our brains.

23 November 2014

Are we there yet? We look at whether flights are going to be getting faster any time soon.

21 September 2014

Windows, computer screens and phones that never get grubby? What's the chemistry making that self cleaning glass...

16 September 2014

We've been hacking our heads in order to find out what makes a secure password. Plus we ask, how does self-...

08 April 2014

Is it okay to use a new phone straight from the box, or should you charge it up first?