What is February's mystery sound?

Wind on mars? Ancient chickens? Can you guess what the mystery sound this month?
03 February 2022


Blue soundwave



Your clues are:

  • I'm currently fourth and on the rise
  • I may be quick on the ice and on the field, but I prefer the water
  • It would take me 6.5 hours to travel from London to Cambridge
  • If I was pink, I'd be giving you the clues


A panther meowing.

Becky - It was a cat!

Julia - It was a cat! They're the largest of the lesser cats, so they can meow and purr. They're the mascot for the Carolina Panthers in the NFL, who are the fourth in the league and their song is called ‘On the rise’, and also the Nottingham Panthers ice hockey team. Panthers like to swim and they can sprint up to 50 miles an hour, but their steady pace is about 10 miles an hour. So that would make the 65 mile trip from Cambridge to London take a pretty long time.


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