Why do all kettles have a 1.7L capacity?

A tea time teaser for you...
08 August 2023


a boiling kettle



Jeff asks, 'Why do all kettles have a 1.7L capactiy? Is it something to do with physics? Or is it something to do with the transition from imperial to metric measurements?'


Chris Smith posed the question to Andrew Morris.

Andrew - I was forced to do some research on this and Googled around, and he's quite right; almost all kettles are 1.7 litres. So I made an inquiry with the Bosch research department, and basically, as your listener guessed, it's the nearest equivalent to three pints, which is apparently six standard cup fulls, which is apparently the standard size of a teapot.

Chris - A teapot is an SI measure, is it?

Andrew - So apparently the kettle fits the teapot standard. I'm afraid there's not a lot of physics in that.


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