
Articles about physics, cosmology, astrophysics, electricity, energy, forces, gravity, light and maths...

16 July 2008

Simpsons fans will know only too well the opening sequence to the cartoon in which Homer discovers, during his commute...

21 February 2008

When the clipper ship Southern Cross sailed into a living hell off Chile during the night of 2 September 1859, little...

01 February 2008

Scientists recently spotted a planet being born. It's just formed and is still enshrouded within the disk of dust...

22 December 2007

Snowflakes form when water vapour condenses directly into ice crystals, and for many years writers have used their...

03 June 2007

Contrary to what Hollywood would have you believe, although it’s almost impossible to escape from quicksand, it's...

03 June 2007

What is a thunderstorm, how is lightning generated by clouds, how much energy is there in a lightning bolt, and could...

05 October 2006

How were superconductors discovered, what are they, how do they work, what can they do for us, and what's new in...

05 October 2006

Superconductors are amazing materials whose resistance drops to zero when cooled. Chris looks at how they can be used...

21 June 2006

The Rubik's Cube is all about symmetry... How do you solve the rubiks cube - what is the maths behind the rubiks...

08 March 2006

The story of rocketry pioneer John Parsons, who founded the Jet propulsion Lab...

22 February 2006

Things usually are not what they seem, and sometimes the fundamentals become discomfortingly alien... Frank Witte...

11 January 2006

The Hubble Space Telescope has been sending us back incredible pictures of the cosmos. How have recent policy changes...

14 December 2005

George Bush's plan to establish a permanent base on the Moon by 2020, and send astronauts to Mars by 2030, has...

09 November 2005

The illuminating story of colour constancy: why what you think you see and what you actually see are different...

02 November 2005

Ultrasound Scans (USS), and now Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI), allows us to visualise body tissues in high...

24 August 2005

The placenta forms on the uterus wall during pregnancy and, via the umbilical cord, links the baby to its mother. Chris...

04 May 2005

Radiologist Bob Bury investigates some of the new 'scanning' technologies, which have revolutionised medical...

13 April 2005

Coincidences are just waiting to happen. For all those times you've witnessed uncanny events, or had cause to...

19 January 2005

Discovered by Wilhelm Roentgen almost by accident, X rays are part of the electromagnetic spectrum that includes...

03 November 2004

Nothing that you do is safe. Everything carries an inherent risk, but what is justifiable risk, and how do you assess...

15 September 2004

Consultant radiologist, Dr. Bob Bury, discusses public perception of risk and how we assess risk in the context of...

08 September 2004

By the year 2020, the number of people in the world suffering from blindness will have risen to 45 million. The vast...

30 June 2004

Exposing patients to x-rays is a gamble between a necessary investigation to aid in forumlating a diagnosis, and the...